Mr.& Mrs. Germano Afonso | Parents of Mr. & Mrs. George F. DeMello | The Mansfield Family | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Abel Rebelo |
Maria & Jose Aguiar | Ilda & Manuel Domingos | The Intentions of John &Sheilia Mansfield | The Regan Family |
The Albaugh Family | Kathleen & Robert Dunn | Cecelia & Joseph Marshall | The Intentions of Mrs. Geraldine Robbins |
The Parents of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Amaral | The Dutra Family | Patricia Ann Martini | The Ruggiero Family |
Jared M. Andrade | Intentions of Nancy Fay | Rita May Family | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Salois |
Loretta Ballone May Family | Intentions of Lois Ferguson | Katherine & Francis McElarey | Lorraine Santos |
James Bennett | Mary "Muffy" Fitzpatrick | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mitchell | The Schretlen Family |
Jose Bernardo | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Edwaerd Flaherty | The O'Neil Family | Manuel Silva Family |
Glenn & Michael Chalifoux | Dr. Raymond Gagnon | The Intentions of Louise M. O'Neil | Intentions of Mrs. Anne Smith |
The Cogliano Family | The Haynes Family | The Palladino Family | Intentions of Anthony Spagone |
Angelina Correia | Alice & Walter Jezak | Henry Pascarelli | The Spinale Family |
The Cecil Costa Family | The Jordan Family | Eva & Amarante Pires | Steve Vasconcellos |
Intentions of the Members of the Couples' Club | Tina Kiser | Ben Piscopo | Elizabeth & Fred Ward |
Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. D'Egidio | Joaquim & parents Lima | Randoph Rapoza | Rita & John Zonfrelli |
The Dale Family | Intentions of John Loftus | Ermelinda & Jose Rebelo | Mrs. Robert Zylinski |
Adeline Andrade | Margaret Mary Hickey Driscoll | Miriam Jezak | Ermelinda Regan |
Nancy Auclair | Catherine Duarte | Alice Joseph | Catherine Reine |
Mary Ballon | Intentions of Gracieta Faille | Lenora Joseph | Adeline Rezendes |
Loretta Barrows | Edna Family | Ruth Karl | Aldina Roux |
Gloria Bennett | Oliveira Family | Steffania Kelley | Ann Sawyer |
Carol Bettencourt | Raposa Farrell | Sarah Kelly | Dorothy Scotti |
Maria V. Blevins | Mary Flanagan | Annette LaBlanc | Jennie Sheehan |
Kerry Botelho | Bridget McCarthy Flanders | Mildred Lefebvre | Intention of Paul Signori |
Deolinda Botelho | Helen Flora | Theresa Lima | Rose Spinola |
Maria Botelho | Mary A. Foley | Intentions of Benilde Lindberg | Rita Sullivan |
Maria dosAnjos Brenner | Alice O’Hara Foley | Alyce Manning | Intentions of Mr & Mrs. Daniel Swide |
Intentions of Mr & Mrs. |
Maryalice Foley | Irene Marshall | Matile Dow Sylvia |
Janice C. Buckley | Rita Flanagan Fontaine | Cecelia Martin | Mary Tavares |
Phyllis Cabral | Martha Foster | Helen R. Martin | Iris Tavares |
Emilia & Brazelina Cabral | Audrey Galvao | Olive Mathieu | Maria Couto Tavares |
Hilda Campbell | Mary B. George | Claire May | Mary M. Taylor |
Jane Catalano | Marion Gerrior | Rita McKay | Barbara Travers |
Barbara Chiffon | Mary Glueck | Elizabeth Medeiros | Hazel Trottier |
Paula Corey | Intentions of Mr & Mrs. Larry Grant |
Isabel Meier | Chris Tulka |
Intentions of Alvira Correllus | Winifred Hamilton Family | Kathryn Messmore | Helen Valadao |
Doris Correllus | Intention of the Richard Happnie | Patricia Miccoli | Mary Varjian |
Doris F. Costa | Alice Harrington | Connie Moniz | Victoria Vieira |
Mary D’Angelo | Linda Hawkes | Judith A. O’Brien | Agnes Vieira |
Elvira D’Angieri | Peg & Maryann Heinzel | Grace Couto O’Neil | Isabel Vokey |
Rina DeMello | Clara Henneberry | Laura Olsen | Intention of Mrs. John Waller |
Intentions of Mr & Mrs. George F. DeSouza | Regina Hill | Ellen M. P | Mary Ward |
Charlotte DeSouza | Intentions of Virginia L. Hines | Nona Pires | Elizabeth Waring |
Theresa Dias | Lorraine Howarth | Eva Pokraka | Mary Ann Webber |
Laura E. Donovan | Intentions of Mr & Mrs. George Hudson-Koepher | Intentions of Ron & Claire Polachi | Intentions of Mr & Mrs. James Williams II |
Margaret Dow | Marie Ignos | Mrs. Charles A. Rebelo | Intention of John Zylinski |
Yamna Maloof Downs | Marian |
All Fathers, Living & Deceased | |||
Germano Afonso | Lawrence DePonte Sr. | Joe Joseph | Gustaf Peterson |
Alex Alexander | Belmiro DeSouza | Carl Kapp | Hy Petus |
Charles Alferes | Joseph Dias | Donald Karl | The Pinto Family |
The Intentions of Mr. Daniel Alves | John Dillong | Thomas J. Kealey | Amarante Pires |
Manuel Domingos | |||
Robert B. Alwardt | Charles E. Downs | Michael Keough | The Pires Family |
Romeo Amorim | Manuel Duarte Jr. | Robert E. Lee | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Polachi |
Paul April | Manuel Duarte Sr. | Dr. John Lee | William E. Powers |
John Araujo | Robert Ellis | Roland LeFebvre | James Quill |
John J. Aziz | Edward Faille | Joaquim Lima | Josephine Rabesa |
Joseph T. Aziz | Patrick Farrell | Frank Lima | Joao Raposa |
Peter Bagarella | Kenneth Feeley | Charles B. Lindberg | Manual Rapoza |
Frank Bagarella | Francis Fentross | Everett Loewen | John M. Rebela |
Peter S. Balboni | Alfred E. Flora | Bill Lovell | Jose Rebelo |
Manuel Baptista | James Foley | Angus MacLeod | Herculano M. Rebelo |
Joseph Fontaine | |||
Charles Bari | Herbert Foster Sr. | James Mann | John Regan |
Jose Dias Bentencourt | John Fulone | Intentions of Charles Manning | Arthur Robillard |
Al Bishop | Ramie Gabriel | Joseph Marshall | Joseph Rogers |
Walter Bishop | Luis de Garteiz | Antone M. Martin Jr. | Dennis Rose |
Joao Botelho | Lionel Gaulin | Antone M. Martin Sr. | Henry J. Roux Roux |
John Botelho | The Geggatt Family | Leonel Martinho | Milton J. Sawyer Jr. |
Aldo Scotti | |||
Jose Cabral | Richard Gilbert | David Mauk | Paul Senior |
William Campbell | The Goffin Family | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCann | John G. Shannon |
Herbert Catalano | Frank R. Gonzalves | Henry McCarthy | Dan Sheehan |
Phil Clark | Lawrence G. Goulart Sr. | Everett L. McIntyre Sr. | David Signori |
Doug Claybrook | Lawrence G. Goulart Jr. | Manuel Medeiros | The Intentions of Isabel Silva |
Niall P. Corbett | Edward Grant | Frank Meehan | Manuel Silva |
William Corbett | Patrick Grant | Alfred Meier | Bill Stone |
David F. Corellus Sr. | Bill Harnisch | Fred Meier | Steve Stressenger Sr. |
Intentions of Mrs. Alvira Corey | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington | Alfred Merullo | William Sullivan |
Cecil Costa | Stephan Heinzel | Dominick Miccoli | Gilbert L. Tavares |
The Costa Family | Ralph Hippert | Samuel Michaels | Joseph L. Tavares |
Rev. William M. Costello | Vincent Hojes | John Michaels | Norman P. Thayer |
Lawrence Costello | The Intentions of George Howarth | Theophilus Moniz Jr. | Warren Thayer |
Clement Curtin | Robert Hudson | The Intentions of Mr. James Morone Jr. | John Tulka Sr. |
The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. J. Mulhall | |||
Paul C. Curtin | Henry J. Hurley | Edward Murphy | The Vadala Family |
Giovanni D'Angelo | Ted E. Huxley | Daniel O'Gorman | Greg Varjian |
Joseph D'Angieri | George M. Ignos Jr. | John P. O'Leary | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Minchau Vu |
John D'Orlando Sr. | Joseph Jackman | Manuel Oliveira | Leo Waller |
Manuel F. DeMello | William Jeffers | George M. Olsen | Fred Ward |
Walter Jezak | |||
The DePonte Family | Theodore Joseph | Merton Perkins | John Zonfrelli |
The Intentions of Mr. Antone Afonso | Edna & John Dillon | The LaFratta Family | The Porter Family |
Maria & Jose Aguiar | Ilda & Manuel Domingos | Herve H. Lajoie | Esther & William Powers |
Deceased Members of the Albaugh Family | John Donnelly & Family | Karen Corey Langford | James Quill |
Mary Patricia Albaugh | The Intentions of Mrs. Caroline Donovan | Mr. & Mrs. Fendt Langston | The Rabesa Family |
The Intentions of Mr. Daniel Alves | Intentions of Mr. Timothy Downs | First Last | The Radzik Family |
The Alwardt Family | The Duartes Family | Mildred & Alfred LeBlanc | Beloved Parents of Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Raposa |
The Amaral Family | The Intentions of Kathleen Dunn | Paul LeComte | Delores & Manuel Rapoza |
The Amorim Family | Edward Dutra & Family | Leo Ledwell | Ken Rebello |
Dominga Andrade | George P. Dutra | John S. Lee Jr. | Peggy & Manuel R. Rebello |
Emma & Aristides Andrade | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. John Dutra | Theresa & Roland Lefebvre | Ermelinda & Jose Rebelo |
Jared M. Andrade | Deceased Members of the Ellis Family | Marian & Bob Leonard | Herculano M. Rebelo |
Nancy Andrade | Deceased Members of the Farquhar Family | Evelyn & Frank Lima | John Rebelo |
Mary & John Araujo | David F. Favreau | Joaquim Lima | Johnny Rebelo |
Joe Armstrong | Mary & Gualdino Ferreira | The Intentions of Mrs. Benilde Lima | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Abel Rebelo |
Mary & Joseph Auclair | The Figueiredo Family | Charles B. Lindberg | The Regan Family |
The Aziz Family | The Figueiredo Family | The Intentions of Mary Little | Adeline & Manuel Reine |
Peter Bagarella | Rita and Ambrose Finnell | Clair LoBello | The Rogers Family |
The Bari Family | Robert Fitzgerald | Amelia Lubelczyk | The Rogers Family |
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Barnes | Mary "Muffy" Fitzpatrick | Joseph Lubelczyk | The Rosa Family |
Fran Beckstrom | Frank Flanagan | Paul Lubelczyk | Henry J. Roux |
James Bennett | Mary & Alfred Flora | Edward MacKinnon | The Ruggiero Family |
Maria V. Bentencourt | Anne & Jim Foley | Erynne MacLeod | Phil Rymsha |
Jose D. Benttencourt | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Edmund M. Foley | John "JP" Maheras | The Santoro Family |
The Bishop Family | Maryalice & Michael Foley | Peter & John Maheras | Lorraine Santos |
Norma & William Bonito | Martha & Joseph Fontaine | The Clarence Mahoney Family | The Schretlen Family |
William P. Bonito | William Fontes | Irene Manning | The Scollins Family |
Deolinda & Luciano Botelho | Bernard Kelley Ford | The Intentions of Charles W. Manning | Jennie & Aldo Scotti |
Maria & Joao Botelho | Maria Luz Furtado | The Mannion Family | John G. Shannon |
Richard Botsch | Dr. Raymond Gagnon | Florence & Louis Margano | Rose & David Signori |
Intentions of Mr. Richard Briana | The Galcher Family | Cecelia & Joseph Marshall | Intentions of Isabel Silva |
Janice & Bob Briggs | Marie & Joseph Gallagher | Mary Dolores Marshall & Family | The Silva Family |
The Buckley Family | Mary B. Galvao | Antone M. Martin Jr. | Valentinas Simulis |
Noreen Burns | Gerta Ganci | Eileen & Leonard Martin | Joseph Slamin & Family |
Hilda & George Cabral | The Gardner Family | Olive & John Martin | Ralph Slamin |
Jose & Emilia & Brazelina Cabral | Yvonne & Lionel Gaulin | The Martin Family | The Smith-Rohrberg Family |
Deceased Members of the Caedeira Family | The Geggatt Family | Patricia Ann Martini | Rose Souza |
Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Cahalane | The Geishecker Family | The McCarthy Family | Rita Spinola |
Jane & William Campbell | The Gilboy Family | The McCarthy Family | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Sujdak |
Rita & Jim Carcieri | Intentions of Martha J. Gillis | Francis McDonagh | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan |
Anthony P. Cardoza | The Gillis Family | The McIntyre Family | The Sullivan Family |
David Carney | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Goddu | Madeline McKenna | William M. Sullivan |
Isabelle Carreiro | The Goffin Family | Aidan & Jacob McSherry | The Swide Family |
The Carvalho Family | The Golden Family | Manuel Medeiros | Angelique Sylvester |
Michael Chalifoux | The Gonsalves Family | Nicole & Myron Medeiros | Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sylvia |
The Clancy Family | The Goodwill Family | The Medeiros Family | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Tavares |
Philip Clark | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Goulart | Theresa & Frank Meehan | Iris & Gilbert Tavares |
Sandy Cofran | The Gouveia Family | Intentions of Jane Meier | Maria & Joseph L. Tavares |
Niall Corbett | The Grant Family | The Merullo Family | Helena D. & David J. Teixeira & Sons |
Gerald & Vincent Corcoran | Arthur Green & Family | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Miccoli | Josephine & Warren Thayer |
William D. Corey | William Gross | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. John Michaels | Norman & John Thayer |
Angelina Correia | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Reed A. Hamilton | The Miller Family | Joseph Tierney |
David F. Correllus Jr. | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hamilton | The Miller Family | Susan Tocce |
Deceased Members of the Correllus Family | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harrington | Mickey Moniz | The Intentions of Mrs. Mary Tor |
Cecil Costa Family | Will Harrington | Rita & Jim Mulhall | Hazel & Fred Travers |
Jacqueline Costa | The Hawkes Family | Rev. Leonard Mullaney | Helen & John Tulka |
The Costa Family | Charles G., Genevieve, & Charles D. Haynes | Matthew G. Murphy | Barbara Turner |
The Costa Family | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hill | The Murphy Family | The Ugaglia Family |
Kathy Costello | George R. Hinckley III | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. David G. Nelson | Ralph Vaccaro |
Rev. William Costello | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. David Holland | Friends of Mrs. Grace O'Gorman | The Vadala Family |
The Intentions of the Members of the Couples' Club of St. Joseph, Guardian of the Holy Family Parish | Intentions of George Howarth | The O'Gorman Family | Alice Valadao |
The Criffons Family | Gert & Vinny Hoye | Teresa & John O'Leary | Ruth & John Varnot |
Charlotte & Humphrey Crowley | Deceased Members of the Ignos Family | Laura O'Neil & Family | Manuel C. Vidal |
Elvira & Giovanni D'Angelo | Joseph P. Jackman | The Intentions of Louise M. O'Neil | Agnes Vieira |
Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. D'Egidio | Alice & Walter Jezak | The Olsen Family | Isabel Vieira |
The Deasy Family | The Joseph Family | Henry Pascarelli | Robert Viola |
Elvira & Manuel Degrasse | Stephania & Donald Karl | Alma Pelletier | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Minchau Vu |
Beloved Parents of Mr. & Mrs. George F. DeMello | Theresa & Thomas Kealey | Deceased Members of the Perillo Family | The Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Minhchau Vu |
Deceased Members of the DeMeo Family | Thomas Kealey III | The Perkins Family | Grace Walden |
Edith DePonte | Annette M. Kell | Richard Peron | Herbert Walden |
Lawrence DePonte Sr. | Mr. & Mrs. Burton Kelley | The Perruzzi Family | Thomas Waller |
The DePonte Family | Lauren Mathews Kelly | The Pinto Family | Elizabeth & Fred Ward |
The DeSousa Family | The Keough Family | Eva & Amarante Pires | The Waring Family |
Charlotte & Belmiro DeSouza | The King Family | The Pires Family | Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whelan |
Alma & Eugene DeVine | The Kirk Family | Ben Piscopo | Robert Zylinski |
Laura & Joseph Dias | Ralph J. Koch | Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Polachi |