Altar serving at Saint Joseph parish is a ministry for both youth and adults.
Youth Servers range from third graders through high school seniors and serve at the weekend Masses. We'd love to have you join us. Contact the parish office at 508-548-0108 or if you have a son or daughter who might be interested in serving. A brief training session will prepare them for this ministry. The latest schedule for servers for weekend Masses is found on our Liturgical Ministry Schedule page.
Adult Servers assist at daily Mass and funerals. If interested in participating in this ministry, please contact the parish office at 508-548-0108 or
"EMs" are divided into two groups: those who assist at daily and weekend Masses, and those who minister to the sick in health care facilities and at home. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact the parish office at 508-548-0108 or
Lectors or Readers proclaim God's Word at both our daily and weekend Masses. This ministry is open to anyone who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact the parish office at 508-548-0108 or
Greeters put a face on the welcoming spirit here at St. Joseph parish, greeting parishioners and other guests at the doors of the church for our weekend Masses. All ages are welcome... as long as you bring a smile! Contact the parish office at 508-548-0108 or if interested.
This ministry is responsbile for the weekly upkeep of the altar and sanctuary area of the church. The work of this ministry gives witness to the sanctity of our sacred space. We wash and iron the corporals and purificators; dust, vacuum, and polish the sanctuary furnishings; maintain the Holy Water fonts; and change the sanctuary lamps and altar candles when needed. The goal of our ministry is to keep our sanctuary beautiful and to prepare for all liturgical feasts and upcoming events. Please speak with one of the below members or contact the parish office at 508-548-0108 or if you would like to join.
Wedding Coordinators run wedding rehearsals and are present at wedding ceremonies. They guide couples , wedding parties, and vendors (such as florists and photographers) through the marriage liturgy, making sure they are all informed and comfortable with each person's role. Well informed and well guided wedding participants leads to a more beautiful wedding that clearly communicates the sanctity of the Sacrament of Matrimony. Wedding coordinators also answer questions a couple might have about the unique aspects of each church. For more information, please contact our parish office or one of the wedding coordinators:
The Funeral Liturgy Planning Ministry meets with family members in order to lend support to families who have lost loved ones and to assist them in the preparation of the Funeral Liturgy. If you would like more information on joining this important ministry, please contact our main office at, 508-548-0108, or contact one of our parish secretaries:
Contact: Donna MacLeod, 508-477-1401,
Meetings: Fall & Spring in Fatima Hall at St. Anthony's - Saturdays 9:30-11:30 AM
Winter online through Zoom - Saturdays 10:00-11:30 AM
Seasons of Hope welcomes those who are struggling to find the consolation of Christ after the death of a loved one. The program's four independent, si-week seasons are rooted in scripture and Catholic traditions. Saturday morning sessions are held either at St. Anthony's Church or online during the fall, winter, and spring. New and ongoing participants signup by contacting Donna MacLeod. Come and be Comforted!
God may be calling you to serve His people as a Bethany Minister to the homebound at St. Joseph Parish. In this ministry, volunteers visit parishioners on a regular basis in their homes and nursing homes who are unable to attend church. You will receive training in visitation and answers to any questions you may have to prepare you to share the many gifts God has given each of us. If you enjoy spending time with others or you or someone you know might enjoy a visit from a parishioner, please call the parish office at 508-548-0108.
This national initiative gives parishes the tools to support pregnant women, in particular helping them to locate and support local resources for pregnant women.
Click here to visit Walking with Moms in need Website
The Archdiocese of Newark, NJ created a resource page for Catholic parishes to help them meet the needs of young people dealing with the negative consequences of COVID and the stresses of contemporary life.
Contact: Kevin MacDonald, President - 508-726-5230 (
Meeting: Second Tuesday of each Month, 7 PM in St. Patrick Church Basement
St. Joseph SVdP supports many programs that assist our Falmouth neighbors with unexpected expenses for housing, utilities, medical bills, etc. Advocates are available in the SVdP office at St. Patrick's Church from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday through Friday. Home visits are made to identify clients needs and to connect them to other available community services. SVdP meets at 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of every month in the basement of St. Patrick Church. Contact the SVdP president Kevin MacDonald at 508-726-5230 or
The St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop is a community presence of Christian charity. It offers our volunteers the opportunity to help those experiencing stressful or unexpected hardships by selling clothing, shoes, pocketbooks, housewares and other items at reduced prices to fund the charitable giving of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Falmouth. Contact Jeff Morrill at or call the thrift shop at 508-540-0505.
Hours: Open Wednesday, Friday, Saturday from 10 to 3 PM.
This group of volunteers provide our aging parishioners with the ability to accomplish some of their increasingly difficult tasks such as making minor household repairs and keeping their homes neat and tidy. Some examples of SWOT related tasks include: running routine errands in and near Falmouth, replacing batteries and light bulbs, minor hardware repair, hanging pictures, moving seasonal items like lawn furniture. If you are interested in lending a hand, contact Jim Roux at
This ministry makes pillows for those recovering from illness or surgery in the hospital. Cough pillows help to reduce pain when patients move, cough, or sneeze. These pillows not only help relieve physical pain, but also provide emotional and spiritual comfort to the sick knowing that our community is praying for them. The group meets at Fatima Hall, located next to St. Anthony church. For more details, contact our parish office at 508-548-0108.
The Men's Club focuses on building community by hosting social events, sponsoring prayer and liturgical celebrations, and supporting our parish youth. Please reach out to the current president, Joe Amaral at: or 508-563-6053 if you would like more information!
Our Women’s Ministry exists to glorify God through prayerfully planned activities and events for all women in our parish. We will provide a forum to address topics and issues which affect women. We will foster an environment that forms lasting, holy relationships. We will assist women of our parish in answering God’s call to serve others through the intercession of Saint Joseph, Guardian of the Holy Family. For more information, email
The mission of the Couples Club is to foster friendship through our religion by offering various activities that provide rewarding social, spiritual, and cultural experiences. During the year, couples gather for Mass and communion breakfasts, trips to local events, and picnics. Past trips included the Newport Flower Show, Cape Cod Canal cruises, Whale Watches, etc. The main fundraising event for the club is the Christmas holly basket sale. The club also sponsors drives for basic needs for the homeless at the St. Joseph House in Hyannis.
This group is devoted to praying for the relief of the suffering of the souls in Purgatory. As stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "From the beginning the Church has honored the memory of the dead and offered prayers in suffrage for them, above all the Eucharistic sacrifice, so that they may attain the beatific vision of God. The Church also commends almsgiving, indulgences, and works of penance undertaken on behalf of the dead" (CCC 1032). The group meets on Tuesday mornings at St. Anthony church after the 8 AM Mass. Contact Diane Mulhall at or for more information.
Contact: Patricia MacGoldrick, 774-355-1181,
Meetings: September-June, Thursdays at 10 AM (alternating between St. Anthony & St. Elizabeth Seton)