Students will meet twice a month for in-person sessions on Sunday mornings at St. Anthony Church from 9:30am to 10:45am. Students are encouraged to attend Mass either before (8am Mass) our class session or after (11am Mass). For more information about the program, please visit our main Faith Formation page.
Below you will find the online version of the weekly Mass Journal for our "Meet You at the Altar" program. When filling out the journal, please provide a valid email address as that is how our catechists will be responding to the journal. Be sure to click on the "submit" button when you are finished to ensure that your journal is submitted.
Online journals will be available until the Wednesday following a Mass and then will change over to the following weekend. You may still access the previous weeks' journals via downloadable copy on the list to the right. Hard copies of all journals can also be found in each of our churches.
Note for online journal: Please use the scroll bar on the journal (not the main page scroll bar) to navigate further down the list of journal questions. If for some reason the online journal is not loading, please click here to access the direct link for the journal.